Orphanage renovation

With your help, we would like to renovate an orphanage in Homs, Syria, which was completely destroyed in 2014. Whereas it used to provide 32 children with a home, we are building this house with the capacity to accommodate 235 orphans.

Read more about this and support this construction.

Kristina’s new home

Little Kristina was abducted from IS in August 2016. She was released on 09.06.2017 after three complete years’ of fear and hope. We stayed in constant contact with the family during this period and also supported them. To restore hope to the family, We Are Christians decided to completely rebuild its home that had been destroyed.

Read more about this.

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Our bank details:

Financial institution: Kreissparkasse Göppingen
IBAN: DE94 6105 0000 1255 5481 65 
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